
	  Since you can "write" into memory, it is possible to ~modify existing
	  data.  We introduce a model of memory that accounts for modifications
	  via two distinct means.  Modifications can apply to ~variables or to
	  ~objects.	 The distinction is very effective.	 In a programming
	  language that supports this model, like ICL, proofs of program
	  correctness become possible, and the task of debugging eases greatly.

	  Modifying variables is by far the most common intent.  For example,
	  ~all modifications associated with arithmetic are always modifications
	  to variables only.  We call this kind of modification ~subjective

	  Beyond arithmetic, most programming languages lose this kind of
	  simplicity.  Unfortunately, in the absence of this model, modifications
	  ~intended ~for ~variables might inadvertantly be implemented as
	  modifications to objects.  Debugging these kinds of errors form some
	  of the most time consuming of debugging tasks.

	  Chapter 12 introduces a general parser whose implementation is based
	  on this model.	The safety afforded by the model makes possible the
	  straightforward and general parsing method, as well as its proof
	  of correctness (Chapter 13).

	  We begin with the other kind of modification, modification to objects.

Objective Modification

	  Not only can pointers drastically reduce memory consumption, they can
	  also make the updating of a database very easy.


	  Consider figure 10.1. The PERSON blocks are shared among the family
	  and club blocks. This allows us to represent Mary exactly once.

	  A year from now, we will need to increment Mary's age.  We can do that
	simply by replacing the 34 in the Mary block with a 35.  That one
	modification will affect all points of view.  From the points of view
	of the family and two club blocks, Mary's age looks incremented.


	  (This is much easier than updating all appearences of the Mary block
	  as shown in the non-pointer rendition in figure 10.2).

	  Any modification which is meant to be visible to all points of view
	  is called an ~objective modification.  The term ~objective contrasts
	  the term ~subjective.	 An objective fact is seen by everyone.  In
	  contrast, a subjective fact may be seen from only one point of view.
	  The difference is between ~all or ~exactly ~one points of view.
	  ~All is objective.  ~Exactly ~one is subjective.

	  If P points to the Mary block, then we set her age to 35 ~objectively

		    @(P).AGE := 35 ;

	  The @(...) dictates that the modification be apparent from what the
	  "..." points to.  P points to the Mary block, and so the Mary block
	  itself is objectively modified.  The modification becomes apparent
	  from all points of view that see the Mary block.

	  In contrast, the subjective modification:

		    P.AGE := 18 ;

	  has no @, and it affects only one point of view, the point of view
	  of the variable P.  P now references a block which is just like the
	  Mary block, except that its AGE is 18.

Subjective Modification

	  Whenever we deal with numbers on the computer, all our modifications
	  are subjective.	 Consider the following program:

		    I:= 3 ;
		    J:= I ;

	  This leaves 3 in each of the variables I and J.  If we then execute:

		    I:= 4 ;

	  we expect that I will be 4 and J will be 3.

	  Each of these assignment statements affects only one point of view,
	  the point of view of the variable appearing on the lefthand side of
	  the ":=".	 We modified variables and ~not numbers.

	  Would you be surprised if the program left a 4 in both I and J!
	  That's what would happen if the last assignment were objective,
	written as:

		I:= 3 ;
		J:= I ;

		@(I):= 4 ;

	This last assignment modifies not the ~variable I, but the ~number
	referenced in I, the ~number 3.  This changes the number 3 to now be
	just like the number 4.  Having modified 3 to mean 4, J sees only the
	present 4 (where the old 3 was).  The following program:


	prints a 4.

	Objective modification on numbers appears absurd.  Who wants all 3's
	  to suddently become 4's?  We never mean to modify ~numbers.  We mean
	only to modify ~variables.

	No programming languages intentionally offers objective modification
	on numbers.  One loophole in FORTRAN however can inadvertently perform
	an objective modification:


		N = 1


			I = J + K

	The call to ADD turns the number 1 into the number 5
	instead.  N will come out holding a 5.  (To see this effect on some
	computers, the numbers in this example must be made larger than
	a particular constant, like 2^18).

	While objective modification upon numbers is absurd, many programming
	languages support ~only objective modification for all data represented
	by pointers.


	Let's define a type of data that is represented by a
	  pointer.	Figure 10.3(a) shows an instance of the type POINT, declared
	  as follows:

		    TYPE  POINT =	 [ X,Y : REAL ] ;

	  POINT is meant to be a vector in two dimensions.

	  Let's have two variables of type POINT, P and P1.  Figure 10.3(b) shows
	P holding a point, having executed:

		P :=  [ X: 5  Y: 10 ]  ;

	Part c shows the situation after executing:

		P1 := P ;

	P1 and P point to the same place.  Using a pointer to represent a POINT
	is helping us here.  We need move only one bin's worth of data from
	  P into P1.  There are now two points of view, P, and P1, onto the
	  block.  For the moment, memory is saved by sharing that one block.

	  Let's introduce another statement afterwards:

		P.X := 20 ;

	P now has 20 as its x-coordinate.  What is P1.X?  That is, what would
	we see upon executing:

		P1 := P ;

		P.X := 20 ;

		WRITE( P1.X );	?

	If P and P1 were numbers, we would expect P1.X to be unchanged.  After
	all, we never specified a modification to P1.  Nowwhere in the program
	does it say to modify P1.

	Figure 10.3(d) shows the situation after we execute the

		P.X := 20 ;

	We affect no block.  We make the change apparent only from one
	point of view, the variable P.  Thus, the modification specified upon
	P leaves P1 unaffected.  The assignment to P.X is subjective.

		BOX:	What is the difference between subjective and
		BOX:	objective modification?
		BOX:	Programs that perform arithmetic use always which
		BOX:	form of modification?
		BOX:	Have you ever been bitten by (someone else's routine)
		    BOX:	that inadvertantly performs objective modification
		    BOX:	(e.g., overwrites one of your blocks)?


	  If we were to have put the 20 right over the 10, as in:

		    @(P).X := 20 ;

	  we would have the situation in figure 10.3(e).  This objective
	  modification affects not the variable P, but the block that P points

	  This modification is not to a variable, a single point of view,
	  but to a block, which might be referenced many times over.  It
	  might be referenced from other blocks or variables.	 This
	  objective modification is seen from all points of view.

	  In contrast, the subjective modification:

		    P.X := 20 ;

	  affects only P's point of view.  We ~copy the block referenced
	by P ~before ~writing in the new X value (figure
	10.3(d)).  We call this ~copy-on-write.  To affect no other point of
	view, we copy the block and then update it.  Only the new copy sees
	the change, and all other points of view are oblivious to this

	It may seem unnatural to form a new copy at this point.  The copy
	we made for this subjective modification, shown in figure 10.3(d)
	as the slanted block, is not an extra expense.  Consider that the

		P.X := 20 ;

	is equivalent to the program:

		P:=  [ X: 20  Y: P.Y ] ;

	This latter assignment specifies a new block for P to point to.  That
	new block has the X as 20.  The other field, Y, is preserved from  
	P.  The situation here is identical to the former situation,
	where P in any case is shown in figure 10.3(d).

Another Example

	Let's consider another example of subjective modification.	First, we
	  make a new type, BOX, which will reference two POINTs:

		    TYPE   BOX =	[ LOW, HIGH :  POINT ] ;

	  The box is two points, the lower-left corner (LOW) and the upper-
	  right corner (HIGH).	Consider the following program, assuming that B
	  is of type BOX:

		    P:=  [ X: 5  Y: 10 ] ;

		    B:=  [ LOW: P	  HIGH: P+P ] ;

		    P1:= P ;

		    P.X := 20 ;


	  The effect of each of these statements is shown in figure 10.4(a-d).
	  The last assignment affects P's X-coordinate, but affects nothing
	else, because of our subjective interpretation for such assignments.
	We do not expect the last assignment to affect B and in fact it
	doesn't.  The slanted blocks denote new blocks that were created since
	  the previous frame.  Notice in part (d) that only P's point of view is
	changed, implemented by creating a new (slanted) block, via

	The difference between figure 10.4(d) and (e) is merely the
	introduction of another point of view, B1, which is caused by

		B1 := B ;

	The following (subjective) modification affects B's point of view:

		    B.LOW := B.HIGH ;

	  Figure 10.4(f) shows this new situation.  Copy-on-write makes a new
	  (slanted) copy of the old BOX block, at the bottom of the figure.
	  That new block is now referenced by B.	(B1 still points to the old
	  BOX block).  This latest assignment does not affect P or P1 or B1,
	  as we expect.  Notice in the new block that the LOW and HIGH fields
	  point to the same block (of type POINT), just where the old box (B1)'s
	HIGH field points.

	Finally, let's execute:

		    B.LOW.X := 1 ;

	  Figure 10.4(g) shows the situation.  In this example, we have two
	  levels of modification.  There are two periods in the above assignment.

	  First, we copy B's LOW point, to implant the 1 into
	its X field.  That new point is the block at the lower-right in
	figure 10.4(g).  Then we copy B itself so as to implant in its LOW
	field the new point.  B now points to the new BOX block.

	That's equivalent to the assignment:

		    B :=  [ LOW:	[X: 1	 Y: B.LOW.Y ]
				HIGH: B.HIGH		    ] ;

	  This assignment specifies a new POINT block, referenced within a new
	  BOX block, just as shown in figure 10.4(g).

	  We have left unreferenced the small looking block, which B used to
	  point to.	 Assuming there is no other reference to that block, a
	  periodic process called garbage collection will find a way to reuse
	  that block (Part 8).

		    BOX:	Do you expect that an assignment statement like:
		    BOX:		  P.X := 35 ;
		    BOX:	to affect other variables or data?

Copy-On-Write Tends To Maximize Sharing

	Copy-on-write copies as little as possible, just enough to implant
	the specified modification.


	Everything that isn't copied is shared between the original
	and the new copy (figure 10.5). 

	The new memory generated by copying-on-write represents the ~difference
	between the old and new data.  Things that aren't different between
	  them remain shared for the most part.

	  Since copy-on-write introduces new sharing, memory may be used more
	  efficiently.  Figure 10.4 was formed by copying-on-write.	 Notice that
	  many blocks are shared by other blocks and by variables.

	  A subjective modification affects of course only the point of view of
	  one variable.  Although the variable's new point of view is shared
	with nobody else at present, further appearences of that variable
	in the program will lead to new data structures that share the
	variable's point of view.

		    BOX:	Have you ever seen an operating system that employs
		    BOX:	a copy-on-write methodology on a ~per ~page basis?

Copy-On-Write Is Required Only For A Few Language Constructs

	  Only a few language constructs need be concerned about copy-on-write,
	  for implementing subjective modification.  Only those
	  constructs that specify a modification to existing data need be
	  concerned with copy-on-write.

	  The only constructs in ICL that specify modifications to portions of
	  existing data are record selection (Section 23.4),

		    P.X := ... ;

	  and list indexing (Section 23.3):

		    LIST[5] := ... ;

	  These constructs, when used on the lefthand side of ":=", are the only
	  constructs that need to copy on write.

	  (The modification of ~arrays in ICL has only the possiblity for
	  objective modification.  Array indexing on the lefthand side of
	  assignment statements must be specified always with the "@"
	  (Section 23.10)).

	  These few language constructs introduce a little overhead, the time
	  taken to make a new copy.  All other language constructs are entirely
	  oblivious to copy-on-write, and incur absolutely no overhead.

	  One block is copied upon executing

		    B.LOW := ~something ;

	  Two blocks are copied upon executing:

		    B.LOW.X := ~something ;

	  There are two dots here, selecting the LOW field and then selecting the
	  X field.	In general, if N dots appear on the lefthand side of the
	  ":=", then we copy N blocks.  N is usually small, rarely exceeding 2.

	  Many programming languages offer only one way to build records
	  (blocks).	 They require:

		    P := NEW_MEMORY ;

		    @(P).X := 20 ;
		    @(P).Y := 10 ;

	  instead of:

		    P :=  [X:20 Y:10] ;

	  These programming languages ~force you to specify ~modifications in
	  order to build any record.	Given our "[...]" notation for building
	  records, most appearences of record modification disappear.  Copy-
	  on-write is thus not involved nearly as much as you might imagine.

		    BOX:	Must the "+" in "X+Y" be concerned with subjective
		    BOX:	modification?

A Block Of Memory Is Younger Than Those It Points To

	  With subjective modification, no block is ever overwritten with new
	  data.  Subjective modification instead copies the block and then puts
	  the modification in the new block.  This means that the original block
	  continues to hold its original data forever.

	  With subjective modification, a block holds the same data that was
	  put into the block at the time the block was created.  Let's think of
	a block's age as the time elapsed since that block's creation.

	When a block is created, the pointers emenating from that block
	reference ~existing blocks.  The referenced blocks must exist
	presently, because otherwise we couldn't even have pointers to them.
	  This indicates that the new block is ~younger than the blocks it
	  points to.  When the new block was created, the referenced blocks
	  already were in existence.

	  The only way to modify data in an existing block is to use objective
	  modification.  Subjective modification would leave that block unchanged
	  since it copies the block and writes only into the copied block.  With
	  objective modification, you can insert a pointer into the block at any
	  time, long after the block was created.	 That inserted pointer may
	  point to a very young block, a block just created.	That is, the
	  modified block can now be older than some of the blocks it points to.

	  With adherence to subjective modification, we can associate a block
	  with its ~time ~of ~creation.  We know that block will persist
	  unchanged for all time since that time of creation.	 This kind of fact
	  is often used to formulate proofs, indicating that what ~was true back
	  then continues to be true ~now.  We will use this kind of proof to show
	  the completeness of the parser introduced in chapter 12.

		    BOX:	What is the oldest block in a cycle?

Cycles Require Objective Modification To Exist

	  Using only subjective modification, you can never create a cycle.
	  Consider the cycle in figure 9.13(a).  Let's use the ~time ~of
	~creation to prove that subjective modification alone couldn't create
	  that cycle.

	  Since each block has a time of creation, we can pick the one block in
	  the cycle that is the youngest, i.e., has the most recent time of
	  creation.	 On purely sequential computers, no two blocks have the same
	  time of creation.  Therefore, there is a unique youngest block in that

	  The youngest block points to another block in the cycle.	Since we
	  assume only subjective modification, that youngest block can point
	  only to a younger block.  Unfortunately, all the other blocks in the
	  cycle are older, because of our choosing the youngest block.  That
	  youngest block therefore cannot point to another block in the cycle.
	  We have a contradiction here because the youngest block in the cycle
	  cannot be a member of the cycle!

	  Subjective modification can create the whole cycle ~with ~one ~pointer
	  ~missing.	 Each block points to a younger block.  One can therefore
	  get from the youngest block back to the oldest block.  However,
	  you can't get from the oldest block back to the youngest block.

	Implanting that final pointer, so as to complete the cycle, requires
	objective modification.  We objectively modify the oldest block so
	as to point to the youngest block.  This objective modification allows
	us to violate subjectivity's requirement that you can point only to
	  older blocks.  This is akin to violating causality.

Proofs Of Program Correctness

	  Subjective modification, which affects only the point of view
	  of a variable, is very safe.  Such single-point-of-view
	  modifications have no side effects.  There are no unwanted surprises,
	  surprises apparent from other points of view.	 All specified	 
	  modifications have only local effect.  This freedom from side effects
	  makes possible proofs of program correctness.

	  If you perform only subjective modification, you can look at a page of
	  program listing and prove correctness (or detect a bug).
	  You can follow the action, resting assured that no modifications  
	  except for those apparent on the page will occur!

	  You can even call functions on (other) pages and rest assured that none
	  of your blocks of memory will be changed by those functions.  Remember,
	  subjective modification affects only variables.

	  (In the rare case that a function shares global variables with this
	  page of program listing, those ~variables might be affected by the
	  function.	 However, global variables can be managed safely so as to
	  minimize surprises.  The HOLDING construct shown earlier ~tames
	  global variables).

	  If limited to only objective modification, program proofs would have to
	  become enormously complicated.  The foreign notion of machine address
	  would have to be factored into the proof, ~at ~all ~statements ~in ~the
	  ~program!	 The possible points of view that
	  might be affected must be considered in each statement, including
	  all statements in any functions you might call.

	  The vast majority of modifications are meant to be subjective, like
	  we expect with numbers.  Subjective modification is so safe that ICL
	  makes that its default.

	  However, there are a few occasions where objective modification is
	  desired.	We've seen one example, where we want to update Mary's age,
	  to be apparent from all points of view.	 We also used objective
	  modification upon LABELs in Section 7.3.2.

	  The @(...) operator exposes all objective modifications in your
	  program listing.  They stand out, and so can be reconsidered easily
	  upon tracking down a bug or forming a program proof.

	  By making subjectivity the default, you need be concerned about
	  points of view only at the relatively rare instances where you use the

	  @'s usually occur inside relatively few short functions, functions that
	were created to have objective effects.  Each such function performs
	one (or more) objective modifications so as to leave your database
	(blocks) in consistent shape.  These few functions thus serve to
	modify blocks in safe, consistent manners.

	Places where you know you want objective modification are easily
	proven correct, since that was your intention in the first place.  ~All
	other modifications (subjective modifications) need no consideration
	of points of view, and hence are also easily proven correct.

	Proofs of program correctness become more essential within complex
	programs.  Most often, you can't test the program exhaustively.  Moves
	  towards easing program correctness proofs will fascilitate vastly more
	  complex programs, as the future will demand.

Variables Act As Scaffolding Around A Building


	  Our variables point to blocks, but no block can point to a variable.
	  Figure 10.6 illustrates this.  A block can point to the same place
	  that a variable points (figure 10.6(b)).  This happens when the
	  variable appears in an expression.  In contrast, the block can never
	  point to the variable itself (figure 10.6(c)).

	  Since no data can lead to a variable, a variable can be changed only
	  if you see an assignment ~to ~that ~variable in your program listing.
	  Also, a change in that variable's contents will truly be visible from
	only one point of view, the variable's, which is ~invisible to all
	  blocks and all other variables.

	  Program variables, all variables apparent in a program listing, are not
	  part of the universe over which your program works.	 They are a part
	  of the programming language.

	  We can think of our data structures as a big building.  Variables act
	  as scaffolding around that building.  Variables, like scaffolding,
	  give access to places in the building.	They are necessary during

	  However, the building itself does not include the scaffolding.	The
	  scaffolding can be removed and the building continues to exist.
	  Similarly, our data structures do not include program variables.  The
	  data structures continue to exist independently of the contents of
	  any variables used during the construction.

Objective Points Of Evolution - Object Variables

	  Sometimes, your domain may contain its own notion of "variable".
	  Consider that the domain of arithmetic deals with numbers and has no
	  notion of "variable".	 A program that performs arithmetic has
	  program variables that hold ~numbers.  They never hold variables.

	  In contrast, the domain of algebra does include a notion of
	  "variable".  A program that performs algebra has program variables
	  that hold equations and possibly their variables.  Here, we have
	  program variables holding algebraic variables.

	  Variables that are part of your domain, like algebraic variables, are
	  called ~object ~variables.	They can be referenced within other
	  objects (blocks).  They are ~not variables in the programming

	  To put a new value into an algebraic variable, you use objective
	  modification, so that the modification becomes apparent from all
	  points of view, e.g., from the points of view of all equations that
	  reference this algebraic variable.

Another Attempt To Achieve Subjective Modification - Copy-On-Reference

	  The overhead of copy-on-write may be objectionable to some people.
	  As long as variables hold only pointers (not blocks), there is no
	  better way to achieve subjective modification than with copy-on-write.

	  Let's try another approach to achieve subjective modification, called


	We could store in a variable not merely a pointer to data, but
	the data itself.  Figure 10.7(a) shows the variable B as consisting
	of four bins, holding the information in the type BOX.  Now if you

		B.LOW.Y := 12 ;

	we can implement this by storing a 12 directly into B's third bin.
	  No copying is necessary.  Only the variable B will see this

	  Keep in mind that we continue to tolerate no pointers to variables.
	  B's four bins are indeed invisible to all points of view except B's.
	  Thus, this modification to the box B is in fact subjective.

	  Suppose B1 is another variable of type BOX.  The assignment

		    B1 := B ;

	  cannot merely copy a pointer to the B box into B1.	Doing so
	  would leave B1 pointing to the variable B, and that is forbidden.
	  (Such would render a modification to B also visible to B1, and vice
	  versa).  Thus, this assignment must copy all four bins from B into B1.

	  As long as we write directly into a block of memory, we must assure
	  that no two pointers point to that same block of memory, lest a
	  modification become apparent from two points of view.  Instead of
	  sharing a block of memory, separate copies of that block of memory
	  must be maintained.  With separate copies, each one can be modified
	  (without copy-on-write) and the modification will be apparent from
	  exactly one point of view.

	  We have seen that sharing must be forbidden in order to achieve
	  subjective modification in the absence of copy-on-write.	Without
	  sharing, pointers cease to bring any benefit, and hence pointers can
	  just as well be banned.

	  In the absence of pointers, every assignment, e.g.,

		    X := Y ;

	  must perform a complete copy from Y into X.  If Y represents a set
	  of 1000 boxes, then 4000 bins have to be copied!  (No box can be
	  shared between X and Y, lest a modification specified from X's
	point of view affects Y's point of view).	 This cost is especially
	  counter-intuitive when you discover slow execution times for the simple
	  looking program:

		    X := Y ;
		    Z := Y ;

	  or for the function call:


	  Both assignments and the function call must make copies of Y.  The
	  size of each copy can be arbitrarily large.  In fact, Y might be a
	  whole integrated-circuit design, consisting of millions of boxes!

	  This ~copy-on-reference policy requires the following.  Each appearance
	  of a variable in the program implies that its contents must be copied.

	  With copy-on-reference, you pay for copying upon each ~reference to a
	  variable.	 In contrast, with copy-on-write, you pay for copying upon
	  each ~modification.

	  With copy-on-write, each modification requires a small copy, but
	  each reference to a variable incurs no overhead.  In either of:

		    X := Y ;
		    X := Y ;

	  only one bin is copied.

	  What happens most often, modifications or references?  Usually we
	  perform a modification only in preparation for a reference.  This
	  argues that each modification has at least one corresponding
	  subsequent reference.

	  With more references that modifications, paying only for the
	  modifications sounds the cheapest.  But even if there were more
	  modifications than references, the copy-on-write expense is merely the
	  copying of one or two blocks (see Section 10.2.4).	In contrast, the
	  copy-on-reference (non-pointer) cost for a reference is arbitrarily

	  Thus, the use of pointers and copy-on-write for subjective
	  modifications operates the most efficiently in general.  However,
	  simple systems can be implemented efficiently without copy-on-write,
	  and without the guarantee of subjective modification.  With
	  simple systems, the need for the safety of subjective modification
	  becomes less important, because the programmer can get his or her head
	  around the entire program.	The programmer can take the time to
	  discover from which points of view each modification will become

	  However, the current software crisis refers to large programming
	  tasks, which comprise nearly all real-world programs.  Subjective
	  modification and the use of pointers are necessary to quickly
	  achieve working, practical programs.

	  Oddly enough, with subjective modification, the programmer can in fact
	  believe that the copy-on-reference method is used.	He or she can
	  believe that each appearence of a variable delivers a new copy.	 The
	  programmer can then ignore the notion of copy-on-write entirely, at
	  least until an objective modification is desired.  With complex
	  systems, the safety of subjective modification, and the efficiency of
	  pointers, provides inexpensively for the same behavior offered by the
	  more intuitive but more expensive copy-on-reference method.


   1)	  In figure 10.4(f), what variables will "see" the effect of each of the

		    a)	@(P) := [X:1 Y:2] ;
		    b)	@(P1) := [X:1 Y:2] ;
		    c)	@(B).LOW := [X:1 Y:2] ;
		    d)	@(B.LOW) := [X:1 Y:2] ;
		    e)	B.LOW := [X:1 Y:2] ;
		    f)	@(B1.LOW) := [X:1 Y:2] ;

	  Is	@(B.HIGH):= ... ;	 the same as  @(B1.HIGH):= ... ;  ?

   2)	  If X references 100 bins of memory, how many bins must be copied for
	  the assignment:

		    Y := X ;

	  with each of the two methods:

		    a)  Copy-on-write
		    b)  Copy-on-reference

   3)	  Copy-on-write copies N blocks for the assignment statement:

		    X.A.B.C. ... .D  :=	 ... ;

	  when N single dots appear on the lefthand side.  What's the largest
	value for N have you ever seen in a program?